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Active Referee Level 1 Award for Football/Futsal

To gain your award, you must complete all of the modules in the online course.

We recommend setting aside around 2 hours to complete the online work.
Click the register button below to enrol in the Referee Level 1 Award online course

Launch Your Refereeing career with a bang with our Referee Level 1 Course! This is where New Zealand’s football and futsal enthusiasts can learn the basics of being a referee. Our course prepares you for Game Day, including administration, working with other match officials and managing the game and sideline. Then you’ll learn about the Laws of the Game, including a deep dive into rules around challenges, offsides  (where applicable) and handball. You will build the skills to enable fair play and dynamic game control.

Get ready to step onto the field or court  with the skills to make every game you officiate an unforgettable experience!


  •  14/03/2024 - 01/08/2050
     12:00 am - 5:00 pm
Free Ticket
